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Cake Mapping

Bring your cake to life by sharing messages and sweet tributes on your wedding cake with Fiji’s first Cake Mapping services. Our cake mapping projects images, videos and text on your wedding cake – the centerpiece. Special photos and pictures personalize cakes to new heights and let guests enjoy the beautiful novelty while being fed, for a truly innovative experience. We can also provide an exciting showpiece of your lives together with our Projector and Screen. Slideshow, movies, photos or messages from attendants add a memorable canvas to the occasion. Guests desiring this novelty need a multi-tiered cake with plain white fondant, as a canvas for the special effects. 

Give your guests that WOW factor! 

Projector & Screens

Provide a sentimental gift of videos and slideshows for guests who can’t attend your big day or event. We provide excellence facilities for corporate conferences and forums. 

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